Comments on: 2016 Recreational Sports Trends Top Gym Management Software Sun, 31 Dec 2017 16:15:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arun s Sun, 31 Dec 2017 16:15:22 +0000 Pickleball
You are so spot on right when you mention Pickleball. It is for numerous reasons, that it is enjoying unprecedented levels of ‘exponential’ growth not seen in recent times. Some of those reasons are it’s very nature. Easy to play, multi generational (grandparents and grandchildren engaiging in it regularly) and easily within reach of everyone so aspiring. Relatively inexpensive and to top it all numerous places to play, either totally free (outdoors) or for a relatively small and obscure fee, indoors. Seriously, what’s not to like here. It is so seriously the thing to do these days and one try will convince you, you’re hooked!
Also consider that it is on the list of healthiest activities and sports to play along with indoor Badminton (# 1) Tennis, Racketball, Pickleball Table Tennis and others. The main reason this is so, is because of the inherent aerobic nature of the exercise. It’s cardiovascular workout brings about a quick turnaround in vibrancy of health and longevity with quality of life. I believe that the easiest route for youngsters to achieve these great health benefits is taking Pickleball seriously, despite its crazy funny sounding name. Don’t let it mislead you.
At least watch it on You Tube etc. and see if it peaks any interest.
Yet, the fact remains that it never fails to surprise people of all abilities that it can be so addicting in a very nice way. Cheers!

By: Luke Yancey Mon, 31 Oct 2016 13:41:36 +0000
I haven’t played dodgeball since junior high! I think it would be an awesome recreational league to sign up for! You are right– smaller and simpler sports are becoming more popular for leagues!
