Comments for EZFacility Top Gym Management Software Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:21:16 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on 10 Easy Steps to Successful Gym Management by Aimz fitness Wed, 13 Sep 2023 11:21:16 +0000 Managing a gym efficiently is a multifaceted task. The insights shared in this blog are valuable for gym owners and managers, offering practical advice on how to provide the best experience for members.

Comment on 10 Easy Steps to Successful Gym Management by Hannah Gwillim Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:31:09 +0000 In reply to PMaspire.

Thank you for your insightful feedback on our post! We are glad you found it helpful and we wish you the best in your future fitness endeavours.

Comment on 10 Easy Steps to Successful Gym Management by PMaspire Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:05:56 +0000 Hey there, EZFacility team! I just finished reading your article on how to manage a gym, and I wanted to drop you a comment to express my appreciation. As someone who is passionate about fitness and considering opening a gym in the future, your article provided valuable insights and tips on effective gym management. Thank you for sharing your expertise!

Your article covered a wide range of topics related to gym management, and I found it to be a comprehensive and informative guide. I appreciated how you emphasized the importance of creating a clear vision and setting realistic goals for a successful gym. Your insights on effective staff management, member retention strategies, and marketing techniques were particularly valuable and showcased your understanding of the intricacies involved in running a gym.

Additionally, I found your advice on utilizing technology and software solutions to streamline operations to be highly practical. Your recommendations on implementing gym management software, automated billing systems, and digital marketing tools demonstrated the importance of embracing technology to enhance efficiency and improve member experiences.

Overall, your article was well-written, organized, and packed with actionable advice. It provided a valuable resource for anyone involved in or aspiring to manage a gym. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise in the fitness industry. I’ll be sure to keep your tips in mind as I pursue my dream of opening a gym. Keep up the fantastic work, and I look forward to reading more of your insightful articles in the future!

Comment on Get Fit with Exercise Snacking by Stephen Bonsall Thu, 13 Sep 2018 09:01:08 +0000 Exercise snacking
It would be better if someone was to say what the exercises are in exercise snacking. What do you have to do!!

Comment on Gym Management Software For Beginners by Mahindar Singh Thu, 19 Jul 2018 14:08:51 +0000 Gym Clients Payments issue.
Hello we have an Fitness Studio in Pakistan, Karachi name Fitness Innovation Studio, we always have an issue regarding collecting payments from clients each and every months kindly suggest me that what kind of software should we install for our studio for collecting payments from clients rather asking him/her for payments each and every months.
I will be very thankful to you if you could help me in this matter.
Thanks & Regards
Mahindar Singh

Comment on 6 Crucial Steps To Starting A Sports League by Tyson Fri, 15 Jun 2018 04:23:56 +0000 Info
Thank you this was very helpful

Comment on The Real Issues Facing the Fitness Industry by Patrick Tue, 08 May 2018 00:51:39 +0000 You Flat Out Missed the Point
Sir: You are far off the mark. In the U.S. 90 million people pay to attend gyms, health clubs, or fitness studios, amounting to an estimated $46 billion dollars annually. Yet 40% of these folks quit within 90 days of first attending or joining. So what? There’s still 6 of 10 people left, right? Not at all. Of the remaining 6, 4 of them don’t even attend 5 times per month. That’s barely more than once per week on average. At best, this 2 out of 10 number represents low utilisation. At worst, it’s an 80% failure rate! This results in a membership base that is highly vulnerable to quitting, and quitters must be replaced at a significant marketing cost. The gym biz is growing because many of the big box gyms in the U.S. (Planet Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, Anytime Fitness) charge $20 per month of less on an autopay basis. Impulse buyers flock to sign up with healthy and positive aspiration in mind…especially in Janurary. Reality soon sets in, resulting in the death of aspiration that results in non-attendance. While the members don’t attend, their money still does via the autopay. Why don’t members simply cancel? Psychology studies deem this the “maybe tomorrow” syndrome, whereby members look at their bill at month-end, see the low priced monthly charge and say….”Damn, I only went twice this month. Oh well, maybe…when the kids start school again / when work slows down / when my left eyelash is less sore / when the dog DOESN’T eat my homework.” In other words, “maybe tomorrow”, but tomorrow never comes. Big box gyms have deviously figured out that the emotional elasticity price point of “maybe tomorrow” is $20 or less, and they sell it hard. Their objective is to get your money to show up for a long, long time (a long LTV / lifetime value), even if YOU don’t. It’s shameful that companies line their pockets with this knowledge. Rather than address the challenge of human motivation at its core, big box fitness companies exploit it to line their corporate pockets.
The fundamental issue is that the fitness vertical attempts to address the critical challenge of non-attendance (which leads to lack of engagement, which leads to customer churn) with inadequate band-aid, superficial fixes like new classes du jour, clean towels, front desk smiles, worthless frequent-flyer rewards type programs, etc. Beneath the surface is what this industry stuck in the 60s has never been innovative enough to address: human motivation at its core. Any gym and any class and any activity works to get and keep people healthy, but you must get people to do one simple thing:
Actually. Show. Up.
Anything short of that is just placing a band-aid on cancer. Anything less is just futile.

Comment on Designing Senior Fitness Centres for All Seniors by kelly frederick Thu, 26 Apr 2018 23:40:19 +0000 MY PERSONAL TRAINER
Thank you for this info,I agree with you 100 +%!! We need a place for ALL seniors to come together for a good workout! i am putting together a senior Gym at this time and i am so excited for my opening day July 1st. My business is In Home Training, My Personal Trainer.
I have worked with Seniors for 15 years and I love my Job as a Personal Trainer helping the Senior of all levels.

Comment on 5 Tips to Boost Revenue & Retention with a Branded Mobile App by Jake Thu, 22 Feb 2018 21:12:26 +0000 SportsPlex west app
Would like more info on this

Comment on The Real Issues Facing the Fitness Industry by krishn Mon, 29 Jan 2018 01:34:25 +0000 problem identification
i need the city fitness problem identified, i am making the report so i need your some suggestion from your side for fitness industry
