perspective Archives - EZFacility Top Gym Management Software Tue, 07 Feb 2017 14:31:41 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 perspective Archives - EZFacility 32 32 Determine Your Goals With Outside-In Perspective Tue, 07 Feb 2017 14:31:41 +0000 I’m going to tell you about the wonderfully underused ability of perspective shapeshifting. I will be up front and firstly state that this particular type of transformation does not affect […]

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I’m going to tell you about the wonderfully underused ability of perspective shapeshifting. I will be up front and firstly state that this particular type of transformation does not affect your outer physical attributions, but rather one very special part inside your body; the brain. Everything inside your brain is about to change. Your memories, your business knowledge, your favorite foods—block them out—because in order to successfully complete this transformation, your mind will need to be completely clear. Only then can you become the “next client”.

It is not easy to clear one’s mind, especially those of us, who are in high positions of authority, constantly making decisions on the go. It may also not be easy to agree with this perspective choice of mindset you will be tapping into. Why a “next client?” Why not a current client or a loyal client? Here is the answer. A new incoming client questions everything. They are skeptical and more likely to evaluate and criticize the same as one from inside the business. That is precisely why becoming the next client’s brain is an important step in improving the quality and draw of your business appeal.

So, take a deep breath and clear your mind.

Are you ready?

You are now the next client.

The “Perfect” Balance of Experience and Authenticity

The next client (now you) has a lot of high expectations whether they say so or not. Studies show how first impressions can practically cement opinions despite attempts of rectifying an initial impression and you (as the next client) want a good impression. You also don’t want perfection, but an environment that instead realizes potential growth and strives to be the best.

You’re not as hard to please as your friends and family may think. At the end of the day, you just want someone to trust. You want to hear earnest words like “appreciate,” “value,” and humbling rejections instead of flat refusals such as “No,” and “I don’t know” that offer no framework for a solution. You want to hear encouraging phrases that show a sense of thought like “You have the right to customize” and the usage of “we” that confirms a teamwork relationship. You get a feeling that harmonious staff who know each other will be able to run a business in the best way possible…and you’re right! Research from the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science described that caring, inspiration, and respect define the positive teams that ensure productivity.

Assure Health Trust & Safety Measures

Now that you know your investments are secure, how about your health? Does your future instructor know about how stopping short when running can increase the risk of a heart attack? Do they know CPR and other medical procedures? Does the facility have medical equipment for unexpected emergency circumstances? And will staff reach out in a communication effort beyond the standard hello and goodbye to notify you on all these regulations? In short, you want an open communicator who has a welcoming personality and cares what you say. Open communicators read their subjects by their expressions and body language when words aren’t enough. They are the ones who will know when to say: “Do you have any questions for me?” or “Are you sure?” and “I’m here to help.”. Most of what ensures a trust in your future client-trainer relationship is authenticity and if established from the very beginning of the meeting, your client will obviously be more inclined to extend their trust. In their securing presence, you will also feel secure.

Affirm Security Concerns

The next expectation on your checklist is complete security. In the near future, you are going to give away private information so it’s certainly fair that the one receiving your data knows just how securely your information will be protected. Naturally, you want to feel safe knowing it’s in the most responsible of hands and the best way to ease out that anxiety is to hear a confident and knowledgeable voice saying their payment system is certified. For example,EZFacilityis certified at PCI DSS Level 1, validated procedures by Trustwave, verified privacy practices by TRUSTe, and offers free merchant processing consultation to settle any questions or concerns. Since nearly half of Americans feel their information is less secure online this could come in handy from time to time. You could be part of that percentage, but yet you will feel pleased, knowing EZFacility offers an option to fully understand the heavy text and lingo that warrants the protection of your data.

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The post Determine Your Goals With Outside-In Perspective appeared first on EZFacility.

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